FuseX Social Group Code of Behavior
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As a registered Member or Guest of FUSEX Social Club, you acknowledge and agree to comply with the following rules of behaviors:
- Act honestly and respectfully to others always.
- Be discrete always and respect other people’s confidentiality and privacy.
- Do not harass, abuse, or harm another person.
- Do not act in an unlawful, libelous, abusive, obscene, discriminatory, racist, sexist, fraudulent or otherwise objectionable manner.
- Do not share or disclose information that you do not have the right to share or disclose (such as confidential information of others);
- Comply at all time with applicable rules, laws, regulations, rules, and directions.
- Do not use an image that is not your likeness when submit your application
- Do not misrepresent your relationships with a person or entity, past or present.
- Provide accurate information to FuseX, do not use images or terms in your descriptions that are offensive, obscene, pornographic, indecent, malicious, threatening, abusive, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful.
- Do not apply for anyone other than yourself, or your spouse
- Do not use or attempt to impersonate another member.
- Do not collect or store Fuse’s personal data without our knowledge.
- Permanently delete and erase another FuseX members personal data on upon the request of that other member
- Do not interfere or violate a third party’s private life, interfere with their private communications, or breach any duties of confidence or confidentiality.
- Always understand and comply with FuseX Content Policy.
- FuseX Social Club events were created to give Members a safe space to explore without judgment, to help them become empowered in all aspects of their lives. Guests are more than welcome to join them in this world, showing respect and adhering to the rules. Any Guest found to be in breach of the rules will be removed immediately and will have their membership revoked. This will also apply to the Member of that party.